I have had chronic back pain for over 20 years. Over the years, I tried acupuncture, physical therapy, went to a pain management doctor, orthopedic surgeon, and chiropractor. None of the treatments helped and I did not want to take pain medication since I felt this was not a cure and could only cause more problems. It was very depressing to be in pain and not able to do the things I wanted. Walking, shopping, everyday simple tasks as well, going on vacation and traveling was a chore.
Finally, my brother recommended Dr Robert Van Metter, Brodheadsville Chiropractic Center. On my first visit which was in September 2013, I was put completely at ease. The professional building was immaculate and beautiful. I was introduced to Kim, who took all my information. She was very friendly and professional. After all this information was taken, Dr Van Metter came in. He was wonderful. He explained everything to me very clearly. I had x-rays and Dr. Van Metter explained what was going on with my back and told me I would get better. I started seeing him three times a week, already feeling results and working down to every other week. Here is it March 2014 and I can honestly say Dr. Van Metter is a man of his word. He said I would get better and I did. I never thought that I would be practically pain free. My husband and I call him “The Miracle Doctor”. -Sandra H.